Drag-and-drop archive extraction (ShellToys XP Extras)
When you drag-and-drop a file or folder from one place to another using the right mouse-button, Windows displays a menu offering the options of Move, Copy or Create Shortcut.

If this option is checked, ShellToys will add easy extraction options to that menu when you drop one or more zip, jar, cab or self-extracting-zip archives from one place to another. The options available are:

  • Extract To Here (single files only): Extracts the contents of the archive to the folder or drive where the file was dropped, overwriting any files with the same names if they exist.

  • Extract To New Folder Here (single files only): Creates a new subfolder, named after the archive file, in the folder or drive where the file was dropped, and extracts the files into it. This option will never overwrite existing files because a new folder with a unique name is always created.

  • Extract All To Here (multiple files only): If multiple archives are dropped (in any combination of the supported types), their contents will be extracted to the folder or drive where the files were dropped, overwriting any files with the same name if they exist.

  • Extract To New Folders Here (multiple files only): If multiple archives are dropped (in any combination of the supported types), a new folder will be created for each archive, just as above.
The extraction options support password-protected zips, and observe any folder paths stored in the zip.